
Shelf Installation, part of When the green frog changed into a happy prince the nearby well – splish, splash – turned into sweetened lemonade, September 2004 (PH Gallery, New York, NY). Mixed-media. Styrofoam, paint, small objects made out of various found and purchased materials. Dimensions variable, 107 x 203 x 73 inches installed.


Shelf Installation, part of When the green frog changed into a happy prince the nearby well – splish, splash – turned into sweetened lemonade (detail), September 2004. Mixed-media. Styrofoam, paint, small objects made out of various found and purchased materials. Dimensions variable, 107 x 203 x 73 inches installed.


Shelf Installation, part of When the green frog changed into a happy prince the nearby well – splish, splash – turned into sweetened lemonade (detail), September 2004. Mixed-media. Styrofoam, paint, small objects made out of various found and purchased materials. 13 x 6 x 9 inches.


Shelf Installation, part of When the green frog changed into a happy prince the nearby well – splish, splash – turned into sweetened lemonade (detail), September 2004. Mixed-media. Styrofoam, paint, small objects made out of various found and purchased materials. 11 x 3 x 6 inches.


Little Objects in shelf, 2001-02 (Studio, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH). Mixed media. Dimensions Dimensions variable.

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Little Objects in shelf, 2001-02 (detail). Mixed media. Various found and purchased materials. 15 x 10 x 7 inches.

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Little Objects in shelf, 2001-02 (detail). Mixed media. Latex. lace, wire, paper. 7 x 5 x 7 inches.

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Little Objects in shelf, 2001-02 (detail). Mixed media. Plaster, foam. One segment: 4 x 2 x 2 inches.